Patrick Murphy Campaigns for Attorney General

Patrick Murphy Campaigns for Attorney General

This morning, various news outlets confirmed what has been speculated for months – former Congressman Patrick Murphy is running for Pennsylvania Attorney General in 2012. With Murphy’s record and the power of the Attorney General, gun owners in the Commonwealth have reasons to be worried. With the role of Attorney General, there are a number…

The Senate Battle for Castle Doctrine
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The Senate Battle for Castle Doctrine

With tomorrow’s scheduled committee hearing for Castle Doctrine, things could be interesting for gun owners watching the political scene. Some gun owners mistakenly believe that since a pro-gun Governor has taken office, we face no risks from gun control and that positive legislation will pass with ease. But let’s look back at the battle for…

Understanding Castle Doctrine

There have been a lot of questions about the political decisions made in our fight to pass Castle Doctrine this year. To get answers, I decided to go straight to the source for NRA members in Pennsylvania and interview John Hohenwarter, NRA’s Pennsylvania State Liaison. This interview covers some of the complexities of passing bills…

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Pennsylvania Sends a Clear Message to Anti-Gun Leaders

Gun control advocates from New York, Washington, DC, and Philadelphia poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into Pennsylvania in order to promote the Mike Bloomberg agenda & New York-style gun control in Tuesday’s elections.  The good news is that NRA members spoke up and told him that we would not let him buy our elections…

The Fight for Self-Defense
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The Fight for Self-Defense

To the surprise of many gun owners, the battle to pass a simple self-defense law that allows you to defend yourself from attack on your own property was delayed for months by a small minority of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. This comes as even more of a shock if you only look at the…

Happy National Hunting & Fishing Day!

Happy National Hunting & Fishing Day!

Once again, it’s National Hunting & Fishing Day. That means hundreds of sportsmen’s clubs around the country are hosting open house-style events to introduce the public to hunting, shooting, and fishing. Many folks don’t realize that the premise for National Hunting & Fishing Day started right here in Pennsylvania. The first to suggest an official…

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NRA Opposed To Kagan Nomination To U.S. Supreme Court

Joint Statement by Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President & CEO, and Chris Cox, Executive Director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action There may be no vote a United States Senator casts that is more important than a vote to confirm a nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Now that the Court has clearly stated…

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A Look at Elena Kagan’s Second Amendment Record

David Kopel is the Research Director of the Independence Institute, an NRA instructor, a Second Amendment scholar, and a friend of On Thursday evening, he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Elena Kagan’s record on the Second Amendment. His commentary discusses the “Clinton-Kagan gun ban” and how “neither her testimony, nor her professional…