Campaigning from the Comfort of Your Couch
Spring has sprung across the Commonwealth. And for some folks looking for an excuse to get out and enjoy the weather, knocking on doors for their favorite candidates is a great way to get a healthy dose of fresh air and a little exercise. But when the spring rains strike or it’s just a little too cool for the summer clothes you just pulled out of the closet, some campaigns are creating tools so you can campaign for liberty from your couch.
Jonathan Jenkins, whose campaign for the State House we recently profiled, is asking volunteers from any corner of the state to contact his campaign and either phone bank from home or help prepare mailings to voters in the district. He has created scripts and phone bank lists that can be downloaded, as well as a print-at-home mailer.
Gubernatorial candidate Sam Rohrer has also added a call from home service to his campaign website. Register with his campaign, download a guide, and start dialing if you want to help Rep. Rohrer run for the state’s top office.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, both major candidates featured at home phone banking software for supporters. Long after phone bank hours ended in Pennsylvania, supporters could log on and dial into other competitive states in the West to squeeze in a couple extra hours of volunteer time. Dozens of households and hundreds of voters can be reached by an active phone banker in an hour. Allowing them to take part for a few more hours each week or continue working even when the weather is bad or they don’t have time to make the drive to a campaign center meant that campaigns had near limitless possibilities in reaching new voters.
As resources are condensed after the primary in May, it is likely that more campaigns will turn to campaign from home tools. When they do, we’ll make sure to keep you informed. Even if the rain keeps you indoors, today’s technology can keep you connected and active.