Update: York Lost/Stolen Proposal

flaggunconstitutionOn September 8th, a Special Committee meeting of the York City Council will be held at 7pm to discuss the proposed lost-and-stolen gun ordinance.  The ordinance would require residents of York city to report their firearms lost or stolen within three days or face penalties.

As has been discussed in the past, this proposed ordinance has several issues:

  1. It violates the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s preemption laws. (In other words, it is illegal.)
  2. It essentially creates a situation in which one is guilty until proven innocent.  An overzealous prosecutor could financially ruin gun owners as they try to prove themselves innocent.
  3. The ordinance is redundant to present state and federal laws and penalties for straw purchasers which are far more strict for purchasers with no record who supply guns to criminals.

My understanding from talking to Councilman Joe Musso is that Councilwoman Toni Smith may just push for a “resolution” rather than the passing of the ordinance.  As has been stated before by the proponents of this ordinance, the real purpose is to send a message to Harrisburg.  Because of this, I believe it affects everyone in York County and not just the residents of York city proper.

Depending on this meeting, and anything that comes out of it, will likely be address at the following York City Council Meeting on September 15th, next at 7pm.

York City Council Meetings are held on at 1 Marketway West, 3rd Floor, York, PA.

[NOTE: This address is not found in Google Maps. It is located at the intersection of Market St & George St.]

City Council Members Contact Info:

Joseph R. Musso
(717) 309-2079

Toni Smith
(717) 848-6388

Genevieve Ray
(717) 848-3320

Carol Hill-Evans
(717) 848-4788

Cameron Texter
(717) 495-1252

1 Marketway West, 3rd Floor, York, PA

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